
Take advantage of the automated purchasing of our premium inventory in real time. Our programmatic tech stack is broadly positioned so that we support all deal types. 


Open Auction

First-price auction with low delivery priority


No AutoScout24 targeting available

Private Auction

First-price auction with fixed

floor prices


Targeting with AutoScout24 data available

Preferred Deal

Fixed price and

preferential access to inventory


Targeting with AutoScout24 data available

Programmatic Guaranteed

Fixed price and guaranteed reach


Targeting with AutoScout24 & advertiser data available

Programmatically Available Ad Formats


Leaderboard¹, Medium Rectangle¹, Skyscraper¹, Lightbox Ad¹, Halfpage Ad¹, Masthead¹, Sitebar², Masthead Reminder³, Detailpage Branding³


Mobile Banner¹, Native Content Ad¹, Mobile Medium Rectangle¹, Mobile Richmedia¹, Mobile Video Ad³, Mobile Slider Ad³, Mobile Sticky Ad³, Mobile Portrait Ad³


Ad Bundle Multiscreen¹, Medium Rectangle Multiscreen¹, Halfpage Ad Multiscreen¹, Gallery Ad⁴, Understitial², InList Native¹, Native Carousel³

1) available for all deal-types

2) available via programmatic guaranteed and prefered deal and through all DSPs

3) available via programmatic guaranteed publisher hosted and only through DV360

4) available via programmatic guaranteed  and only through selected DSPs (

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